About Me

We are AS Media Studies students, Georgia, Beth and Hollie. We have created this blog to share our progress throughout the year as media students which will includes the planning, constructing, filming, and editing of our opening sequence of our film. We hope you enjoy reading our future posts.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Evaluation Question 6: what have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Question 6: what have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In the construction of this product we used a number of different websites and technologies to make the product come together and the pros and cons or each. Some of these were:

Mac Computer.
The mac computer was the device that we edited and put all our filming on. It also was the place where we did our research on and used other programmes installed to help create our media product. It helped us organise our files and keep them all together.

Final Cut Express.
Final cut express was used to edit our media project. It is a form of softwear in an app that is found on the Mac and we used it to effectively edit our piece although not always as quickly due to rendering and not always exactly how we wanted it. But it does give plenty of options in how to edit our piece and make it look good and professional

Garage Band
This is again a softwear app found on the apple Macs that we used to create our music for our media piece. It has a wide range of music and styles of music to choose from and allows you to create the music to how you want it. I found it hard to start at first but once you know what you are doing it is very easy to use.

The camera we used was ab EO5 600D. we used it to film and take pictures of our media products and found that the high-tech lense made the pictures and film look clear and of high quality. The camera had lots of different settings that we used as part of our media product such as zoom and focus.

This is the website of blog we created to show the progress and all of the work we had completed during the construction of our media product. We were able to make the blog our own and make it fit out needs in creating a crime thriller opening sequence. One criticism of this website is that it is hard to use in the beginning and you cant always find what you need.

Prezi is similar to a power point presentation. Which is what I used it for. I found it easy to use once I got the hang of where everything went and how it worked. I really liked how the end result of the prezi turned out.

Scribd slideshare
This is a programme that we used to help us improve the look and finish of our word documents and powerpoints. I liked it as it helped the presentation of our work but it was also difficult and I lost my work the first time so it was a waste of my time.

We used Youtube to watch opening sequences to get ideas for our media product. The good thing about youtube is that there are so many videos to choose from and so easy to view them. It did however when we went to upload it did take a long time.

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