About Me

We are AS Media Studies students, Georgia, Beth and Hollie. We have created this blog to share our progress throughout the year as media students which will includes the planning, constructing, filming, and editing of our opening sequence of our film. We hope you enjoy reading our future posts.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Beth (2162) Evaluation Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

EVALUATION QUESTION 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The character I have chosen to look at from our film is Poppy, the teenage girl. The actor in our media product has visually been made to look around the age of 14/15 as she is still a student at school. Poppy fits into the social group of Surrey school girls. The girl is wearing a very small amount of make-up but enough to portray that she is a typical teenage girl who is interested in make-up, fashion etc. As the opening sequence has different locations we have decided it would be best to change the outfit on Poppy to show a difference in location and setting and also mood. We have also decided it would be a good idea to have her hair in a plait at one point and then down at another point. This is because we thought it would show a difference in locations and who she is surrounded by. When she has her hair up she is in her school uniform so this shows an innocent teenage girl. Whereas when she has her hair down she is in her own clothes which shows a bit more independence.

http://images.bwwstatic.com/columnpic6/25F048CBB-D9AE-7EB9-F895AAA3CB5D00A0.jpghttp://www.mspicy.com/img/objects/2/0/ayla-kell/300x400_2902.jpgThe actor I have chosen to compare against Poppy is Ayla Kell. I have chosen to use this actor when she was in ‘rebound’, she would have been 15 when she was in this film which is the same age as the actor of our film. She has a very similar appearance to Poppy. Poppy has blonde hair and brown eyes and Ayla had blonde hair and blue eyes. I have picked these two pictures as I mentioned how Poppy had her hair in a plait at one point and then down at another. I thought this would be another good example of how having your hair down makes you look a lot more casual and independent whereas when you have your hair in a plait for example, you look a lot more responsible and respectful. In these pictures you can’t really see her outfit that much but she is wearing a coloured blouse in one and a t-shirt in the other. This is similar to what Poppy would wear except Ayla dresses smarter than Poppy does but this may be because of the situation and location in the film. In our film opening Poppy is the main character, however Ayla is not the main character in ‘ rebound’ but has been in other films such as ‘missing at 17’ where she played the main character.

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