About Me

We are AS Media Studies students, Georgia, Beth and Hollie. We have created this blog to share our progress throughout the year as media students which will includes the planning, constructing, filming, and editing of our opening sequence of our film. We hope you enjoy reading our future posts.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Question 2:how does your media product represent particular social groups?

Poppy is our main character in our thriller opening sequence.

this girl is from the film Red Riding Hood in 2011. She is much like Poppy the main girl on our thriller opening sequence.

Both girls in the film have similarities. they are both blonde, slim and pretty which makes them attractive to the viewer watching the film. They are both come across to the audience as sweet. They both come across in the opening sequence as normal children. throughout they are shown in both dark and light lighting. both characters are being pursued by an evil being and are trapped and cannot escape. similar shots are used in the opening sequence such as close ups and long shots to make scenes more dramatic and also points of view shots. As both were kidnaped during the film at one stage feelings among both could be the same. also both are independent and dont communicate with outside people.

As well and similarities our characters both have differences. these are things such as the films are set in a different time period and red riding hood is a fictional story whereas our opening sequence is set in the modern day and could be based on a real story. also the location. red riding hood is set in the woods whereas ours is set in a suburban setting. costumes and props are also different because of the time period the film is set in.

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